Boone is a 15yr old chestnut grade quarter horse gelding that stands 14.3 hands. He is a finished ranch and trail horse that is gentle enough for most riders. He is extremely well broke to ride and is easy to operate. Has a great one hand neck rein and will spin both directions. Will step to his leads both directions with ease and has all the proper buttons on him. He is very cowie and is a great cow horse. Has been roped on in the pasture and has done a little team roping. Has drug lots of calves to the branding fire. He is great to ride outside and down the trails and will take care of his rider. He is easy to catch, trailer, and shoe. This horse has been with us for quite a while and we have used him as a lesson horse and in our summer trail rides. He has a very kind and gentle way and is always the same horse even when laid off for extended periods. He crosses water and logs, and he is not insecure when riding away from the group. He doesn’t care if he’s in the front or the back of the pack. If you struggle getting on and off, he will make it easy on you. If you climb up on the fence or a mounting block and smooch to him, he will side step over and let you aboard. He truly is a nice solid guy that has been there and done that. Boone has done us a great job and we have enjoyed having him, knowing we can just pull him out of the pen when we need him and he will be all business. Will ride in a bridle, halter, or pull it off and ride him with just a rein around his neck. If you think Boone might work for you feel free to give us a call and come and try him at the ranch. He is guaranteed sound and gentle. Call Tom for more info and price. 406-544-9987
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